Welcome 2016 Campers!
Thank you to all of the campers and their families for dropping by our 2016 Shubert Theater & Arts Camp Open House Last Night! It was wonderful to see so many new smiling faces and witness hugs from returning campers to their favorite Teachers and Assistants. Excitement is Building as Camp Preparations continue...
This week Camp staff is busy getting ready for our first day of Camp Next Week! Name Tags are hanging, in wait for Campers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Interns, and Staff to grab them as they enter the building. If anyone missed the T-Shirt pick-up last night, do not worry! Camp Staff is currently working to label all t-shirts with camper names to be distributed on the first day. Camp Quilt Questions have been formed and Camp Care Cards are ready to be passed out to those campers, who go above and beyond caring for their friends and fellow campers. Raffle prizes this year are simply wonderful, make sure to be a helpful camper this year to ensure you get camp care cards and win a Raffle Prize! Not to worry for those CAMP UNO Champions- we have even more games and books this year to fill your Cafeteria Time. All this including over 1000 snacks should keep Session 1 Active and Happy!
We still have a few openings in Session 1--registration will close Friday. Registrations for Session 2 will continue, if you would like to join us! Keep an eye out for our Posts over the next few days! This year we will have 2 of our very own Camp Teaching Assistants and a few Staff Members writing posts to share the Shubert Summer Theater & Arts Camp Experience! Yay Camp!
Janie Alexander- Tech Showcase/Technical Supervisor for the Shubert Summer Theater & Arts Camp
Thank you to all of the campers and their families for dropping by our 2016 Shubert Theater & Arts Camp Open House Last Night! It was wonderful to see so many new smiling faces and witness hugs from returning campers to their favorite Teachers and Assistants. Excitement is Building as Camp Preparations continue...
This week Camp staff is busy getting ready for our first day of Camp Next Week! Name Tags are hanging, in wait for Campers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Interns, and Staff to grab them as they enter the building. If anyone missed the T-Shirt pick-up last night, do not worry! Camp Staff is currently working to label all t-shirts with camper names to be distributed on the first day. Camp Quilt Questions have been formed and Camp Care Cards are ready to be passed out to those campers, who go above and beyond caring for their friends and fellow campers. Raffle prizes this year are simply wonderful, make sure to be a helpful camper this year to ensure you get camp care cards and win a Raffle Prize! Not to worry for those CAMP UNO Champions- we have even more games and books this year to fill your Cafeteria Time. All this including over 1000 snacks should keep Session 1 Active and Happy!
We still have a few openings in Session 1--registration will close Friday. Registrations for Session 2 will continue, if you would like to join us! Keep an eye out for our Posts over the next few days! This year we will have 2 of our very own Camp Teaching Assistants and a few Staff Members writing posts to share the Shubert Summer Theater & Arts Camp Experience! Yay Camp!
Janie Alexander- Tech Showcase/Technical Supervisor for the Shubert Summer Theater & Arts Camp