Bored tonight? Nothing to do? Stressed about your day? Come see Winnie the Pooh and the Session 1 Showcase! They'll be Tigeriffic!
It has become a camp tradition for our after care kids to do a kindness project. This year they made beautiful Tokens of Appreciation. Yesterday we visited the Shubert and gave them out to all of the staff who help behind the scenes to make camp possible. Shubert campers--making the world a better place!
Acting, digital photography, and visual art are all getting ready for their big showcase event on Thursday!
The graphic design class was hard at work creating cool posters for Lion King Jr. today. Meanwhile, puppetry has Lion King animals in the works plus the finishing touches on their own unique puppet creations. I hear they're working on a performance piece for the gallery! Week 2 is show week, so things are getting busy. Andrea is making a gourd for acting class, Ms. A is making a Tigger costume, and Will's Cleaning shop is closed till 3rd period (he's very dedicated to making sure all of our paint brushes stay clean). Here's a first look at Lion King Jr. costumes. These aren't the final product yet, because puppetry class is busy at work making head pieces for them!
Get ready for an overload of cuteness: The Winnie the Pooh cast had their first costume fittings today. And these aren't even the finished products, so they're just going to get cuter! Thanks Ms. A for stopping by to help! (Also, a bonus 4th of July picture of Miss Zaryah and Ms. Wuzzardo!).
Well, we were so busy on day one, that the blog got away from me. Day two is a little steamy outside, so we're staying cool with POPSICLES!! Yesterday I challenged everyone to meet at least 2 new people. Looks good so far!
Ms. Wuzzardo |